Rahul Jain
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical & Computer (ECE)
Department of Computer Science (CS) (courtesy)
Epstein Industrial and Systems Engr. (ISE) Dept. (courtesy)
USC Center for Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence (AAI)
ECE Control, Learning, Autonomy and Robotics (CLEAR) Group
AI for Dynamic Systems (AIDyS) Lab,
and the USC AutoDRIVE Lab
Viterbi School of Engineering, EEB-316
University of Southern California (USC)
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2563
(2I3) 74O-two246
Admin: Annie Yu, (2I3) 74O-446S
Office Hours: (Fall 2021) Tue and Thu 2-3pm
Zoom: https://usc.zoom.us/my/rahul.jain
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence for Dynamic Systems: Reinforcement Learning, Online Learning, Statistical Learning Theory, and Intelligent Autonomy.
Applications: Autonomous Robotic Systems, Smart Energy Systems, Digital Health, and Communication Systems
Prospective Students and Postdocs:
I am looking for smart and driven PhD students to work on AI and ML for dynamic systems. You can send me an email but please note that unless I see your application, I will be unable to make a decision. So, apply if you are interested.
I may have a postdoc position available. If you are looking for a post-doc position, you can send me your CV and one of your best papers.
Akhil Agnihotri wins the USC Capital One PhD Fellowship. Congrats!
October 2024: New paper/poster in NeurIPS 2024
September 2024: New ONR MURI Award on "New Games for New Agents"
2024 News: paper accepted in AISTATS'24
Nathan Dahlin joins SUNY Albany as assistant professor. Congrats, Nate!
2023 News: recent papers in ICML, TMLR, UAI, NeurIPS Workshops, etc. See Publications page.
2022 IEEE VIC SUMMIT: IEEE Simon Ramo Medal: Pravin P. Varaiya - Video (My PhD Advisor)
Recent papers in NeurIPS 2021, ICML 2022, AISTATS 2022, UAI 2022, etc. on Publications page.
Congrats to Mehdi Jafarnia on his upcoming appointment at DeepMind!
Congrats to Harsha Honnappa, Group Alumni on achieving tenure at Purdue! Wonderful to hear of Harsha's two students - Prakash Chakraborty and Zachary Selk being placed in TT-assistant professor positions at Penn State and Queen's University. Congrats to all of you.
Local and International News Coverage of the AAI Center Launch (Feb 2022)
USC Viterbi School Announcement of the AAI Center Launch (Feb 2022)
Honored to be the Founding Director of the industry-supported USC Center for Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence (AAI)
Congrats to Mehdi Jafarnia for successfully completing his PhD! He will join Uber Technologies. (Aug/Sep 2021)
Congrats to Nathan Dahlin for successfully completing his PhD! He joins UIUC as a postdoc. (Aug/Sep 2021)
Stochastic Systems & Learning Laboratory (S2L2) is now the AI for Dynamic Systems (AIDyS) Lab
New NSF grant on learning methods for multi-agent systems (joint with Prof. Ashutosh Nayyar, Sep 2020)
Congrats to Hiteshi Sharma who graduates with PhD and joins Microsoft AI division (May 2020)
New Science of AI project funded by ONR (joint with Prof. Nuzzo, October 2019)
The new USC autoDRIVE Lab is launched! We are looking for enthusiastic student researchers!
New NSF grant on formal reinforcement learning methods (joint with Prof. Pierluigi Nuzzo, April 2019)
William Haskell (former postdoc) joins Purdue Business School as Assistant Professor. Congratulations! (July 2019)
Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control and IEEE Transactions on Control of Networked Systems
New NSF grant on new approach to analysis and design of algorithms for stochastic control and optimization (October 2018)
New NSF grant on online learning and control (August 2018)
US Fulbright Specialist Scholar, 2017-2020 and Fulbright Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (July 2018)
Simons Institute Research Fellow, Spring 2018
Dileep Kalathil joins Texas A&M ECE department as assistant professor from Fall 2017. Congratulations!
Wenyuan Tang joins North Carolina State ECE department as assistant professor from Fall 2017. Congratulations!
Harsha Honnappa wins the Lajos Takacs Best Dissertation in Queueing Theory Award 2016. Congrats!
Naumaan Nayyar successfully defended his PhD dissertation on “Learning and Control in Decentralized Stochastic Systems”. He joins IBM Watson Research Center in Fall 2015. Congratulations!
Wenyuan Tang has graduated with a PhD dissertation on “The SmartGrid Network: Pricing, Markets and Incentives”. He joins UC Berkeley and Stanford as a joint postdoc in Fall 2015.
Congratulations to Abhishek Gupta (postdoc 2014-15)! He joins Ohio State ECE department as assistant professor from Fall 2015
Dileep Kalathil has graduated with a PhD dissertation on “Empirical Methods in Control and Optimization”. He has joined UC Berkeley as postdoc from October 2014
Harsha Honnappa has graduated with a PhD dissertation on “Strategic and Transitory Models of Queueing Systems”. He joins Purdue University as assistant professor in January 2015
William Haskell (postdoc 2013-14) joins National University of Singapore as assistant professor from August 2014
Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on Network Science and Engineering, March 2014 onwards
Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, April 2013 onwards
Best Student Paper award (with Srinivas Yerramalli and Ubli Mitra), Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM) 2012
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award (2012)
Guest Editor-in-Chief, IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Economics of Communications and Networks, December 2012.
2011 Southern California Symposium on Network Economics & Game Theory (NEGT),Caltech, November 3 & 4, 2011 (co-organizer)
International Conf. on Game Theory in Networks (Game-Nets), April 16-18, 2011, Shanghai (TPC Co-Chair)
NSF CAREER Award, 2010
IBM Faculty Award, 2010
Best Paper Award at The ValueTools Conference 2009, Pisa, Italy, October 20-22, 2009
James H. Zumberge Faculty Research and Innovation Award, 2009