Rahul Jain


Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical & Computer (ECE)

Department of Computer Science (CS) (courtsey)

Epstein Industrial and Systems Engr. (ISE) Dept. (courtsey)


USC Center for Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence (AAI)

ECE Control, Learning, Autonomy and Robotics (CLEAR) Group

AI for Dynamic Systems (AIDyS) Lab,

and the USC AutoDRIVE Lab

Viterbi School of Engineering, EEB-316

University of Southern California (USC)

Los Angeles, CA 90089-2563


(2I3) 74O-two246

Admin: Annie Yu, (2I3) 74O-446S

Office Hours: (Fall 2021) Tue and Thu 2-3pm

Zoom: https://usc.zoom.us/my/rahul.jain

My Google Scholar My CV

 Research Interests

Artificial Intelligence for Dynamic Systems: Reinforcement Learning, Online Learning, Statistical Learning Theory, and Intelligent Autonomy. 

Applications: Autonomous Robotic Systems, Smart Energy Systems, Digital Health, and Communication Systems

Prospective Students and Postdocs:

I am looking for smart and driven PhD students to work on AI and ML for dynamic systems. You can send me an email but please note that unless I see your application, I will be unable to make a decision. So, apply if you are interested. 

I may have a postdoc position available. If you are looking for a post-doc position, you can send me your CV and one of your best papers.


Simons Institute Berkeley Talk

Jain and Nuzzo win ONR Science of AI grant


Offline RL using generative models - talk slides